Baburin V.L. Assessment of the participation of economic regions of Russia in the international division of labor


  • Baburin Vyacheslav Leonidovich Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, Moscow, Russia Author



: international exchange, foreign trade, net exports, the real sector of the economy, indices, types of regions, branches of specialization


The article examines the relationship between the historically inherited specialization of economic areas and the nature of exchange in the context of globalization. Traditionally, both in the Russian Empire and in the USSR, zoning was carried out on the basis of identifying specialization and interdistrict exchange within the Russian market. The article suggests an approach based on the analysis of the international component in the formation of the appearance of the district. To solve this problem, the indicators of gross domestic product and its share and specific indicators, foreign trade turnover, exports, imports, net exports and indices derived from them were used. Based on the data obtained, typologies of the subjects of the Russian Federation were carried out on several grounds, territorial arrays with common properties of groups of regions were obtained according to the degree of their involvement in foreign trade in the mode of export, import or neutral orientation. Based on the results obtained, zoning was carried out according to international specializations and international relations. The selected types of regions were integrated within the boundaries of the state planning grid of districts with the subsequent typology of these macro-regions according to the level of integrity and the nature of the structural organization of their space in terms of involvement in world economic relations. 

The article was prepared with the support of grant of the Russian Science Foundation No. 22-27-00425  "Center-periphery in the Russian industrial space. "

Author Biography

  • Baburin Vyacheslav Leonidovich, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, Moscow, Russia

    Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Economic and Social Geography of Russia, Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow


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Regional analysis

How to Cite

Baburin V.L. Assessment of the participation of economic regions of Russia in the international division of labor. (2023). Regional Research, 3 (81), 37-51.