Giricheva E.E., Bocharnikov V.N., Fomin E.V. Assessment of Vladivostok urban environment quality using collection of indicators


  • Evgenia Evgenievna Giricheva Institute of Automation and Control Processes, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Science; Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia Author
  • Vladimir Nikolaevich Bocharnikov Pacific Institute of Geography, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Vladivostok, Russia Author
  • Evgeny Vitalievich Fomin Institute of Automation and Control Processes, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Vladivostok, Russia Author



system of indicators, modeling, sustainable development, quality of the urban environment, life quality, ecological economics


The paper presents an analysis of the quality of the urban environment of Vladivostok based on a system of indicators using the OECD model „Impact – State – Response“. The system of indicators proposed by the OECD as a plan for the development of green cities includes more than 100 main and about 50 additional indices that assess the environmental component of the urban environment. The authors propose a set of 23 aggregated indicators that consider the main sources of harmful effects on the environment, air and sea conditions, and the living standards, as well as the reaction of the population and the municipal administration to ongoing changes. The use of remote sensing data made it possible to determine the indices characterizing the degree of the territory development and to obtain a spatial pattern of land use changes in the urban district. Based on the dynamics of aggregated indicators for the period from 2011 to 2018 integral indicators are calculated to assess the current state of the urban environment, identify its most problematic components and outline ways for a rational arrangement. The authors note the need to consider the negative consequences of land use change and irrational resource use under the formation of the Vladivostok agglomeration, as well as to develop a strategy to improve the living standards of the population while keeping the environment safe. 

The work was carried out within the framework of work on the topic of grant of the Russian Science Foundation No. 22-17-00186  "The potential of coastal settlements for long-term sustainable development: content and assessment methods using the example of Pacific Russia." The processing and analysis of satellite data was carried out with the financial support of FEFU, the Priority-2030 Strategic Academic Leadership Program of the Digital Development Center.

Author Biographies

  • Evgenia Evgenievna Giricheva, Institute of Automation and Control Processes, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Science; Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia

    Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Mathematical Modeling of Biophysical Processes, Institute of Automation and Control Processes, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Associate Professor, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Technologies, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok

  • Vladimir Nikolaevich Bocharnikov, Pacific Institute of Geography, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Vladivostok, Russia

    Doctor of Biological Sciences, Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Ecology and Animal Conservation, Pacific Institute of Geography, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok

  • Evgeny Vitalievich Fomin, Institute of Automation and Control Processes, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Vladivostok, Russia

    Leading software engineer of the satellite monitoring laboratory of the Institute of Automation and Control Processes of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok


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Environmental problems of regional development

How to Cite

Giricheva E.E., Bocharnikov V.N., Fomin E.V. Assessment of Vladivostok urban environment quality using collection of indicators. (2022). Regional Research, 4 (78), 76-91.