Kolosov V.A. Border studies in the contemporary world: progress in theory and main directions


  • Vladimir Alexandrovich Kolosov Institute of Geography Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Author




border studies, theoretical concepts, main topics, functions, isomorphism


Тhe objective of the paper is a brief analysis of the reasons for the growing interest in border studies and the progress of their theory. Numerous approaches to border studies can be divided into two large types - pragmatic and critical. The traditional pragmatic approach, based on an analysis of the functions of borders and using mainly historical-cartographic, functional, typological and statistical methods, has been significantly developed thanks to attention to non-state actors – local authorities, business, NGOs, etc., a much more extensive information base, strengthening understanding of the importance of crossborder cooperation and social practices related to the border. The critical approach is aimed at studying the cognitive-symbolic functions of borders associated with their perception, representation as sign systems, the politics of memory, discourses and narratives. Now, pragmatic and critical approaches are integrated, including in the model «practice – policy – perception». Largely influenced by the geopolitical shifts of recent years, seven key themes have emerged in the growing flow of border studies. They include the role of borders as a tool for controlling international migration and regulating other social processes, the widespread activation of the barrier function of borders, the redistribution of functions between them, etc. A possible direction for further development of border studies is the relationship and isomorphism of boundaries at different levels. Isomorphism means the similarity of functions of formal (state, administrative) boundaries at all levels, although manifested in different ways and in different proportions at each of them. The reason for this similarity lies in the fact that borders act as a means of adapting space to the redistribution of political influence between different actors and centers, changes in their geopolitical position, and the territorial distribution of the population and economy.

The article was prepared with the support of the RSF project "Effects and functions of borders in the spatial organization of Russian society: country, region, municipality "(No. 22-17-00263).

Author Biography

  • Vladimir Alexandrovich Kolosov, Institute of Geography Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

    Doctor of Geography, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Geopolitical Studies, Deputy Director of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow


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Geographical limology: methodological and theoretical issues

How to Cite

Kolosov V.A. Border studies in the contemporary world: progress in theory and main directions . (2022). Regional Research, 3 (77), 23-36. https://doi.org/10.5922/1994-5280-2022-3-2