Makushin M.A., Goryachko M.D. Geographical patterns of warehousing property market in Moscow agglomeration


  • Mikhail Alekseevich Makushin Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, Moscow, Russia Author



logistics infrastructure, Moscow agglomeration, warehouses, warehouse real estate, transportation sector, logistics density


The article analyzes the current trends in the warehouse real estate market development in Moscow and the Moscow region, the geography of large warehouses’ construction, the distribution density of the warehouse real estate in Moscow agglomeration. It is revealed that the most popular logistics destinations are the north-western (Zelenograd, Radumlya), southern (Domodedovo, Belye Stolby) and eastern (Balashikha, Noginsk) with the largest cargo flows and free areas for construction, as well as the Central Ring Road (Bely Rast, Sever-4), due to an increase in the movement speed along which the time of cargo delivery is reduced. Less busy destinations are south-western (Vorsino) and north-eastern (Sofrino, Pushkino). In the western (Istra) and northern (Dmitrov) directions, new storage facilities appear mainly between the MKAD and the Central Ring Road due to relatively low transit cargo flows in these directions and the predominance of water and forest lands in the land use structure. It is noted that the logistical influence of the Moscow agglomeration extends beyond the Moscow region in the southwestern (Obninsk), north-eastern (Pereslavl-Zalessky) and western (Gagarin) directions. The main conclusions are supported by statistical information and mathematical estimates.

The authors thank A.A. Popov for the data provided.

The article was prepared within the framework of the grant of the Russian Science Foundation "Center-periphery in the Russian industrial space" (project number 22-27-00425).

Author Biography

  • Mikhail Alekseevich Makushin, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, Moscow, Russia

    technician of the laboratory of regional analysis and political geography, graduate student of the Department of Economic and Social Geography of Russia, Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow


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Urbanization and urban geography

How to Cite

Makushin M.A., Goryachko M.D. Geographical patterns of warehousing property market in Moscow agglomeration . (2022). Regional Research, 1 (75), 17-30.