Lyalina A.V. Intra-regional migration as a factor in the dynamics of the population of municipalities of the Kaliningrad region


  • Lyalina Anna Valentinovna Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia Author



intraregional migration, dynamics of the population, migration links, municipalities, spatial features, Kaliningrad region


Intraregional migration flows, being the most important factor of population redistribution, have a significant impact on the dynamics of the population of municipalities in Russia. Earlier studies devoted to the peculiarities of intraregional, in particular intermunicipal, migration flows in the Russian regions revealed the dependence of their geography on the characteristics of the economic and geographical position of municipalities and intraregional differentiation on the level of social and economic development. The Kaliningrad region, being a unique region in this regard, has so far remained out of the focus of researchers. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify the spatial features of intraregional migration processes in the exclave region of Russia and to assess their impact on the dynamics of the population of the municipalities of the region. The study is based on data from Regional Office of the Federal State Statistics Service for Kaliningrad region on migration and population at the local level in
2011–2021 including intermunicipal migration matrices. Spatial features of intermunicipal migration in the region were investigated comprehensively by assessing the rates of migration flows themselves, by assessing intermunicipal migration connectivity based on the calculated coefficients of intensity of migration links between municipalities according to the methodology of L.L. Rybakovsky for 2011–2018, as well as the method of typologization. The study showed that intraregional migration flows, even in a compact region like Kaliningrad region, can be characterized by high complexity and combine a whole complex of previously identified features inherent in a number of other Russian regions, their orientation and conditionality of economic and geographical position. 

The study was carried out with the financial support of a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (project No. 23-18-00180 "Multivariance of determinants and trends
economic dynamics of municipal of Russia: conceptualization, identification- fixation and typologization in the interests of the state spatial adjustment of development ") at the Institute of National Economy forecasting RAS.

Author Biography

  • Lyalina Anna Valentinovna, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia

    Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Researcher, Center for Socio-Economic Research of the Region, Baltic Federal University named after I. Kant, Kaliningrad.


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Regional population studies

How to Cite

Lyalina A.V. Intra-regional migration as a factor in the dynamics of the population of municipalities of the Kaliningrad region. (2024). Regional Research, 3 (81).