D.D. Maksimenko Actual factors of high-tech production location in Russia


  • Daniil Maksimenko HSE University, Moscow, Russia Author




high-tech industries, location factors, geography of industry, geography of innovations, microdata, geocoding, geoinformation systems


The article presents an analysis of location factors for high-tech industries in Russia based on the study of its actual spatial structure. The aim of the work is to find the most relevant location factors for the Russian high-tech complex. Among the tasks of the article: literature review and the formation of a list of location factors relevant for high-tech; mapping of high-tech industries
in Russia based on microdata; identification of spatial patterns of placement of high-tech industries. The research is based on the methods of bibliographic, regional, statistical and spatial analysis, the study uses the case-study method. The list of location factors analyzed in modern works on the topic of location selection is considered and their relevance to high-tech industries is determined. Work also describes a number of changes in location choices of enterprises in modern Russia in relation to the Soviet ones – among other things, this is a decrease in the importance of the strategic factor and an increase in the influence of socioeconomic conditions, a change in the spatial organization of industry. On the basis of microdata reportings of high-tech industries, a map of their location at the local level was prepared and a description of the key areas of their location was carried out. For each area, an
analysis of typical cases of the specifics of business location at the level of individual municipalities has been prepared. Based on the analysis, conclusions have been drawn about the dominant factors determining the placement of production facilities. The most significant factor of placement is the influence of agglomerations and related socio-environmental factors, scientific, technological and transport infrastructure, socio-economic development of territories. There is a strong influence of the “relic” production sites inherited from the USSR – they become the basis for new productions, form a chain of suppliers around themselves, creating informal clusters. Preferential zones – SEZs, technological and industrial parks, have become important points of growth for new high-tech business. Outside of the main areas of high-tech placement, the main location factor is the demand from local industries, especially from the oil and gas and mining sectors.

Author Biography

  • Daniil Maksimenko, HSE University, Moscow, Russia

    Junior Researcher, Center for Industrial Policy, Institute for Statistical Research and Knowledge Economics, Graduate Student, Department of Science and Innovation Management, Faculty of Social Sciences, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow.


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Regional analysis

How to Cite

D.D. Maksimenko Actual factors of high-tech production location in Russia. (2023). Regional Research, 4 (82), 29-40. https://doi.org/10.5922/1994-5280-2023-4-3