L.M. SintserovIssues of transnationalization and world economyand shifts in the geography of foreign direct investment in 1970-2020.


  • Sintserov Leonid Mikhailovich Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Author




transnational corporations (TNCs), foreign direct investment (FDI), world economy, internationalization of production, technological diffusion


The purpose of the article is to identify the most important transformations in the processes of transnationalization of the world economy in 1970–2020. The main tasks are to identify changes in the role of TNCs in the global economy and the driving forces that caused them, to identify shifts in the geography of foreign direct investment (FDI). The relevance of the article is determined by the importance of TNCs in the modern processes of globalization. Research methods: problem approach, cartographic method and multi-scale analysis. Since the early 1970s the share of TNCs in global GDP increased from 16–17% to 32%, in international trade – from 43% to 80%, in industrial production – from 20–25% to 50%. A powerful transnational sector of the world economy has been formed. FDI provides 28–29% of the investments needed for the development of foreign production, while being the main “carriers” of global technological diffusion. With the dominance of services in the production activities of TNCs, the role of the manufacturing industry in it is 2–4 times higher than in the economy as a whole. The “center” of FDI has moved to the Euro-Asian megaregion. The role of East Asia has increased the most, from 1% to 10–13% of global FDI. South-South and South-North investment directions have emerged, which together account for 1/5 of global FDI. “Tax havens” in terms of FDI turnover now surpass large economies (France, Italy, etc.). “Net” interregional outflow of FDI decreased from 31% to 7%. The share of intraregional FDI increased from 36–40% to 48%.

Author Biography

  • Sintserov Leonid Mikhailovich, Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

    Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of World Development Geography, Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow


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Regional analysis

How to Cite

L.M. SintserovIssues of transnationalization and world economyand shifts in the geography of foreign direct investment in 1970-2020. (2023). Regional Research, 4 (82), 41-52. https://doi.org/10.5922/1994-5280-2023-4-4