Koshcheev D.A., Isopeskul O.Yu. Development of tourist clusters in the Perm Territory in 2010-2022: estimates, results, prospects


  • Koshcheev Dmitry Alexandrovich National Research University "Higher School of Economics," Perm, Russia Author




tourism, tourism cluster, complex formation, cluster activity, cluster policy, cluster initiatives, Perm region, tourism recreation territories


The present investigation proposes one of the first analyses of complex formation and cluster activity within Perm region tourism sector in 2010–2022. The parameters mentioned, were taken in conjunction with the system of regıonal cluster policy measures of the same term. The present investigation was based on EDA of Perm region tourism recreation territories (TRT) statistics. The TRT within Perm region legislation is considered as the territories when tourism clusters can be created. The analyses mentioned were supplied with content analysis of news media publications, official document on regional cluster policy and the results of author’s opinion pulls of 2015–2022. The investigation showed that regional cluster policy did not have any sustainable effect on complex formation and cluster activity in TRT. Moreover, real tourism clusters in 2010–2022 were identified only in two from seven TRT. Other TRT had protoclusters only. Drawing from complex formation and cluster activity indicators, using kmeans method, we divided existing TRT into four groups. For each TRT group we proposed tourism development recommendations and (where it is necessary) tourism cluster / protocluster development recommendations.

Author Biography

  • Koshcheev Dmitry Alexandrovich, National Research University "Higher School of Economics," Perm, Russia

    Senior Lecturer, Department of Management, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Perm


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Regional problems of tourism development

How to Cite

Koshcheev D.A., Isopeskul O.Yu. Development of tourist clusters in the Perm Territory in 2010-2022: estimates, results, prospects. (2024). Regional Research, 1 (83), 115-130. https://doi.org/10.5922/1994-5280-2024-1-8