Zemtsov S.P. Potential for the creation and implementation of artificial intelligence technologies in the regions of Russia


  • Zemtsov Stepan Petrovich Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA), Moscow, Russia Author




geography of innovation, digital economy, technology change, innovation ecosystem, Russian regions, science and technology policy


Geography of innovation allows us to understand the spatial patterns for creation, diffusion, and support of new technologies, although with the development of communications there is a delusion of insignificance of space in these processes. The development of one of the breakthrough technologies – artificial intelligence (AI) – cannot be widespread but must be concentrated in centers with high innovation potential, where the intensity of knowledge spillovers is high. In Russia, education in the field of AI can be obtained in 21 regions, research is conducted in 35, and technology is being developed in 40. We proposed a rating of the regional potential to create AI technologies based on scientific and technological development and the main elements of the regional innovation ecosystem in the field of AI. It shows a high concentration of potential in Moscow and several creative core regions: Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Tatarstan and Novosibirsk region. 16 creative-acceptor centers have also been identified, capable of both creating and implementing AI technologies, mainly acceptor centers (23 regions) and 40 regions with minimal potential. Leading regions can receive priority attention and funding in Russia. In acceptor regions, advantage may be given to AI production technologies, and in lagging regions, increasing the population’s receptivity to digital technologies in general. 

The author thanks A.A. Mikhailov for preparing the cartographic material.

Author Biography

  • Zemtsov Stepan Petrovich, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA), Moscow, Russia

    Director of the Center for Economic Geography and Regionalism of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow.


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Regional analysis

How to Cite

Zemtsov S.P. Potential for the creation and implementation of artificial intelligence technologies in the regions of Russia. (2024). Regional Research, 1 (83), 34-47. https://doi.org/10.5922/1994-5280-2024-1-3