Zubarevich N.V., Safronov S.G. Interregional inequality in Russia post-Soviet countries in the XXI century


  • N.V. Zubarevich - Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography; Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography; Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), Moscow, Russia Author
  • S.G. Safronov - Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, Moscow, Russia Moscow State University Author




interregional inequality, GRP, investments, personal money income, poverty level, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Belarus


The article analyzes the level and dynamics of interregional inequality in Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Belarus and some European countries (in terms of NUTS-2 territorial units) according to available data from official statistics of the CIS countries (1995-2022) and Eurostat (2011–2022). The Gini coefficient, weighted by population and normalized depending on the number of territorial units, was used as the main evaluation parameter. The lower level and stability of interregional inequality in the countries of the European Union and Belarus are associated with a high and more uniform development of the territory and a more stable economic structure. In large post-Soviet countries, the dynamics of interregional inequality are multidirectional; there is no stable trend, which is associated with resource and capital rent in a limited range of regions. In Russia and Uzbekistan since the late 2010s. inequality grew, decreased in Kazakhstan, and was small and stable in Belarus due to the peculiarities of the economic structure and institutional factors of development. Assessments of the influence of the macroeconomic factor on interregional inequality did not provide obvious confirmation of its impact. The impact of the state’s redistribution policy can only be assessed for Russia: it was more noticeable during the crises of 2009 and 2020. Within Russian federal districts, differentiation is lower. High inequality is typical for the extremely heterogeneous Ural Federal District and the Central Federal District, where it has been declining in recent years. In the Far Eastern Federal District, regional differentiation grew, and its gradual increase also occurred inthe regions of the Northwestern Federal District. 

Article is prepared within the state budgetary subject research of geographical faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University No. 1.17 "Modern dynamics and factors of social and economic development of regions and cities of Russia and neighboring countries".

Author Biographies

  • N.V. Zubarevich - Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography; Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography; Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), Moscow, Russia

    Professor, Department of Economic and Social Geography of Russia, Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov; Associate Professor, Institute of Social Analysis and Forecasting, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.

  • S.G. Safronov - Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, Moscow, Russia, Moscow State University

    Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic and Social Geography of Russia, Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov


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Regional analysis

How to Cite

Zubarevich N.V., Safronov S.G. Interregional inequality in Russia post-Soviet countries in the XXI century. (2024). Regional Research, 1 (83), 4-18. https://doi.org/10.5922/