Lyzhina E.A. Regional food supply in Central Non-Chernozem zone
food supply, agro-industrial complex, agriculture, food industry, agricultural holdings, Central Non-Blacksoil Zone regions, dairy productsAbstract
This article is a multi-scale study of the provision of different types of food to the population of regions and regional centers of the Central Non-Blacksoil Zone regions. A significant reduction in agricultural production in post-Soviet times affected food production and changes in the specialization of regions. The centers of agricultural production and the centers of their processing do not coincide geographically often enough. The development of agricultural holdings has led to a strong concentration of production within regions. Interregional ties are key to supplying the population with food. Analysis of production and consumption of products made it possible to identify their main specialization of regions on certain products. Differences in the development of industrial food production and the provision of regional populations with basic types of food (meat, milk, vegetables, fruits, eggs, potatoes) have been identified. Comparison of data with doctrinal values for the corresponding products and taking into account connections in the exchange of food made it possible to determine the specifics of food supply in different regions. Interregional food connections are identified, the ratio of domestic production, imports from Russian regions of varying degrees of remoteness and imports are shown using the example of providing regional centers of the Central Non-Blacksoil Zone regions with milk and dairy products.
The work was carried out at the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the support of the Russian Science Foundation, project No. 24-17-00129 "Prospects for socio-economic and nature-saving development of the Near North of Russia."
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