Parshina L.S. Regional analysis of aspirant states in India


  • Lyubov Sergeevna Parshina Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Author



states of India, India, administrative divisions, aspirant states, regions of India, typology, federalism


The article examines the history of the formation of the administrative-territorial structure of India and the constitutional foundations of the formation of new states. Investigated the aspirant states in India, presented a figure of their location on the territory, identified the principles on which they are based (ethnolinguistic, economic development of the territory, rationalization of management, cultural and historical) and two groups of principles are defined – «cultural and historical» and «economic and administrative». Shown that the movements for the creation of new states are contrary to the official ethnolinguistic principle. Presented the typology of the aspirant states which is composed according to a number of socio-economic, demographic and natural characteristics that affect the population quality life (population density, urban population, Human Development Index, Multidimensional Poverty Index, share of scheduled castes and tribes, unemployment, access to clean drinking water, forestry area, production of major crops, household electrification, road density, number of cities with a population more than 500,000) for each district in the aspirant state. The relationships between the internal division of states into cultural, physical-geographical, historical and administrative regions and proposals for the creation of new states are determined.

Author Biography

  • Lyubov Sergeevna Parshina, Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

    graduate student of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow


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Regional analysis

How to Cite

Parshina L.S. Regional analysis of aspirant states in India. (2021). Regional Research, 4 (74), 46-54.