Vardomskiy L.B. Spatial dimension of Eurasian integration


  • Vardomsky Leonid Borisovich Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow Russia Author



Eurasian integration, institutions, EAEU countries, Russia, social differences, international transport corridors, development coordination


The institutions of Eurasian integration were formed on the basis of the experience of other integration associations, but taking into account the specifi of the participating countries. The article assesses the infl of spatial factors on the EAEU, which has not yet been suffi studied, although it is very noticeable. Among these factors are the sharp dominance of Russia in the EAEU, large social and economic differences at the country and regional level, the predominance of energy and its infrastructure in the interaction of the participating countries, the deep situation in Eurasia. The existing institutions are mainly aimed at ensuring freedom for mutual trade and cross-border movement of the population. This has mainly benefi the capital cities, which are the main part of mutual trade and labor migrations. At the same time, they did not stimulate the development of industrial and technological cooperation of the participating countries. The Eurasian integration does not yet contribute to the weakening of the uneven spatial development in the participating countries, which fuels skepticism about the EAEU and increases internal political instability. The recently adopted “Strategic directions for the development of the Eurasian Economic Integration until 2025” imply the adjustment of integration institutions in the direction of strengthening the elements of coordination and joint design in them. This will make it possible to reduce the negative impact of the intra-continental situation and more actively use the potential of the central position in Eurasia. The system of measures of joint economic policy presented in them creates a new platform for sustainable interaction between states, national communities and business for more effective use of the Eurasian space occupied by them.

Author Biography

  • Vardomsky Leonid Borisovich, Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow Russia

    Doctor of Economics, Chief Researcher, Head of the Center for Post-Soviet Studies, Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow


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Regional analysis

How to Cite

Vardomskiy L.B. Spatial dimension of Eurasian integration . (2021). Regional Research, 4 (74), 18-28.