Koshcheev D.A., Isopeskul O.Yu. Functioning of the tourism sector in a pandemic quarantine: problems and solutions


  • Koshcheev Dmitry Aleksandrovich National Research University Higher School of Economics, Perm, Russia Author
  • Isopeskul Olga Yurevna National Research University Higher School of Economics, Perm, Russia Author




tourism, tourism sector, COVID-19, pandemic, quarantine, SARS, regional policy, Perm krai


The present investigation provides one of the first complex attempts of theorizing on changes in tourism sector activity within COVID-19 quarantine. Drawing from system and criterion approach weusedthe analysis of official documents and news publication to identify 8 international models of tourism sector support within the pandemic quarantine. Each model was considered with the instrument of strengths and weaknesses analysis. By reviewing Russian national model we conducted deeper analyses juxtaposing and describing experience of Russian regions. Drawing from aтopinion poll realized in Perm krai we described some special features of each tourism sector segment activity within COVID-19 pandemic quarantine. The opinion polls mentioned also showed some limitations of Russian tourism sector support model. With regard to the data mentioned, we proposed the concept of the national electronic exchange service of tourism and resort. This system will potentially support the Russian model in the condition of epidemic crisis, helping the national tourism sector to save and then to restore its activity following laissez-faire principle.

Author Biographies

  • Koshcheev Dmitry Aleksandrovich, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Perm, Russia

    Lecturer, Department of Management, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Perm

  • Isopeskul Olga Yurevna, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Perm, Russia

    Candidate of Economic Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Business Informatics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Perm


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Regional problems of tourism development

How to Cite

Koshcheev D.A., Isopeskul O.Yu. Functioning of the tourism sector in a pandemic quarantine: problems and solutions. (2021). Regional Research, 2 (72), 61-73. https://doi.org/10.5922/1994-5280-2021-2-6