Kuzminov I.F., Lobanova P.A. Text mining for economic geographical sectoral analysis of the pulp and paper industry in European Russia


  • Kuzminov Ilya Filippovich National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia Author
  • Lobanova Polina Alexandrovna National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia Author




Big Data, text-mining, pulp and paper industry, European Russia, pulp and paper nterprises, timber industry, pulp, paper and wood production


The authors show the need and some existing opportunities for analysis of non-traditional data sources to obtain a complete and more relevant picture of industries spatial development. The research methodology includes the use of text mining for economic and geographical studies. The relevance of the research is determined by insufficient completeness of official statistical data, cheapening of relevant information processing technologies and abundance of large text data sources in open access. The article discusses the role of the pulp and paper industry (as a key part of the timber industry) in economic and spatial development of modern Russia. The authors identify main trends in the economic and spatial development of the pulp and paper industry of European Russia, draw the conclusions on the expected industry trends and give recommendations for strategic management decisions to respond to industry challenges. The authors claim that the industry needs liberalization and stabilization, primarily through moratoriums on policy changes. The role of the use of big data, and in particular of text mining in economic and geographical research for reasonable and objective conclusions formation that can be used to make timely and balanced management decisions in the timber industry and the pulp and paper industry, is emphasized.

Author Biographies

  • Kuzminov Ilya Filippovich, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia

    Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Leading Researcher, Director of the Center for Strategic Analytics and Big Data of the Institute for Statistical Research and Knowledge Economics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow

  • Lobanova Polina Alexandrovna, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia

    Expert of the Department of Information and Analytical Systems of the Center for Strategic Analytics and Big Data of the Institute for Statistical Research and Knowledge Economics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow.


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Regional research methodology

How to Cite

Kuzminov I.F., Lobanova P.A. Text mining for economic geographical sectoral analysis of the pulp and paper industry in European Russia. (2021). Regional Research, 1 (71), 18-33. https://doi.org/10.5922/1994-5280-2021-1-2