Morachevskaya K.A. Borderland phenomenon: approaches to interpretation and the role of center-peripheral gradients


  • Kira Alekseevna Morachevskaya St. Petersburg State University, Institute of Earth Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia Author



borderland phenomenon, peripherality, cross-border cooperation, border effect


The influence of borders on the spatial organization of the society leads to a discussion about the existence of the borderland phenomenon – a phenomenon that endows the territory with special properties and functions. A number of authors interpret borderland phenomenon as a predisposition to cooperate with a neighbor. It can relate to a variety of problems and restrictions associated with the border – from the cultural influence of a neighboring state to issues of mutual trade. Other researchers believe that borderlines are defined as a type of geographical location that endows territories with special functions. Still others suggest talking about the “effect of the border”, its influence on the adjacent territories. The synthesis of approaches allows us to interpret the borderland phenomenon as territorial manifestations of the immediate proximity of the border, positional properties and functions of the territory, due to the border location. Border territories can be central, semi-peripheral, and peripheral. Borderland phenomenon potentially provides conditions and resources for the development of territories, however, with deep peripherality, even at open borders, growth zones are not formed. In addition, the redistribution of functions between different types of borders, the adaptation to external geopolitical challenges change the significance and correlation of border and peripheral properties of the territory.

The article was prepared with the support of the RSF project "Effects and functions of borders in the spatial organization of Russian society: country, region, municipality "(No. 22-17-00263).

Author Biography

  • Kira Alekseevna Morachevskaya, St. Petersburg State University, Institute of Earth Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia

    Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Economic and Social Geography, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg; Senior Researcher, Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow


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Geographical limology: methodological and theoretical issues

How to Cite

Morachevskaya K.A. Borderland phenomenon: approaches to interpretation and the role of center-peripheral gradients . (2022). Regional Research, 3 (77), 44-53.