Moshkov A.V. Territorial and sectoral structure of the Yuzhno-Primorsky industrial district


  • Anatoly Vladimirovich Moshkov Pacific Geographical Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia Author



territorial and sectoral structure, South Primorsky Industrial District, factors of production formation, stages of industrialization, Pacific Russia


In Pacific Russia, the South Primorsky Industrial District is being formed with specialization in marine economic activities like shipbuilding and ship repair, fishing industry, marine transport. The leading factors in the district’s production forming process are in qualified labor resources, developed social and industrial infrastructure, stable demand for products and services of marine economic activities, favorable coastal economic and geographical location. A spatial set of interrelated elements (settlements) with a specific territorial and sectoral structure is formed there. The territorial and sectoral structure of this industrial district presents an interconnected spatial combination of enterprises (organizations) located in settlements of different ranks from economic centers (nodes) to socio–economic regions consisting of one or more administrative and economic districts (federal units of the Russian Federation, municipalities). The closest relations between the enterprises of economic centers united by a common economic specialization, as well as the use of common objects of transport, industrial and social infrastructure are noted. Large enterprises in the industrial district not only use the available favorable factors for the development of production, but can also create conditions for the emergence of needed factors (attract labor, investors, initiate local authorities on infrastructure development, etc.). As a result of such interaction in the south of Pacific Russia there have been developed the relevant conditions for the formation of the South-Primorsky Industrial District, a relatively small area of concentration of specialized enterprises (or groups of enterprises, economic centers) consisting mainly of marine economic activities and united by a common industrial and social infrastructure, which provides them with additional economic effect. 

The work was carried out with the support of a grant from the Russian Science Foundation "Potential of coastal settlements for long-term development: content and assessment methods (on the example of Pacific Russia), project № 22-17-00186.

Author Biography

  • Anatoly Vladimirovich Moshkov, Pacific Geographical Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia

    Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Chief Researcher, Head of the Laboratory of Territorial and Economic Structures of the Pacific Institute of Geography of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok


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Regional development

How to Cite

Moshkov A.V. Territorial and sectoral structure of the Yuzhno-Primorsky industrial district . (2024). Regional Research, 2 (76), 78-89.