Nefedova T.G. Geo-economic changes in agro-complex of Russia under the new geopolitical realities


  • Tatyana Grigorievna Nefedova Institute of Geography Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Author



agro-industrial complex, food security, sanctions, crop production, animal husbandry, concentration, agricultural holdings, small business


The article discusses the successes of the agro-industrial complex of Russia until 2022, its specifics and regional features. The author analyzes the concept of food security, which includes not only the ratio of production, consumption, export and import of food, but also the physical and economic availability of food for population, as well as the sustainability of agriculture and the food industry. The degree of modern involvement of Russian crop and livestock production in the international division of labor leads to the consequences of sanctions imposed in the spring of 2022. The specifics of the institutional and spatial organization of agriculture in Russia, the processes of its concentration are shown, as well as the role of agricultural holdings in the new sanctions conditions. The specifics of small enterprises and households of population, general and regional prerequisites and limitations of their functioning are considered separately. The article analyzes the directions in which the agro-industrial complex can develop, including the search for ways of its transformation with the support of the state.

The work was carried out at the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the topic of the State Assignment of the Institute of Geography RAS AAAA-A19-119022190170-1 (FMGE2019-0008).

Author Biography

  • Tatyana Grigorievna Nefedova, Institute of Geography Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

    Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Chief Researcher, Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow


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Geoeconomics and geopolitics

How to Cite

Nefedova T.G. Geo-economic changes in agro-complex of Russia under the new geopolitical realities . (2024). Regional Research, 2 (76), 4-15.