Patrusheva A.S. Identification of boundaries of urban vernacular areas based on online-data: case-study San Francisco


  • Anna Sergeevna Patrusheva Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography; Moscow General Planning Research and Project Institute, Moscow, Russia Author



urban vernacular region, hashtag, Instagram, seo-tools, toponym, online-methods, neighborhood


This article focuses on the identification of one of the forms of territorial organization of society – vernacular region in urban area (UVR), case-study of San-Francisco. In the course of the study, was analyzed a wide layer of foreign and domestic sources of the concept of vernacular regions, as well as its various interpretations. Author made an attempt to distinguish between the concepts of «neighborhood» and «vernacular region in urban area». Relevance and innovativeness of this work stem from the use of volunteered geographical information (VGI) as a data source, exactly social network Instagram. In the course of the study, the main methodological approaches were formulated – one online method for determining the boundaries of the UVR was developed and described, and its advantages and disadvantages were also identified. As a result, the boundaries of the San Francisco UVR are delineated. Also, the identified boundaries are compared with the administrative boundaries of the administrative districts of the city (neighborhoods). For clarity of this comparison, maps have been compiled. Visible discrepancies are analyzed, lacunas are found in the urban vernacular grid of San Francisco. At the end of the study, the author explains the similarities and differences between the two concepts of «neighbourhood» and «vernacular region in urban area», and also suggests which of the elevations
is best suited for specific tasks.

Author Biography

  • Anna Sergeevna Patrusheva, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography; Moscow General Planning Research and Project Institute, Moscow, Russia

    Junior Researcher, GAU "Research Institute of Urban Planning of the City of Moscow," graduate student of the Department of Socio-Economic Geography of Foreign Countries, Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow


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Urbanization and urban geography

How to Cite

Patrusheva A.S. Identification of boundaries of urban vernacular areas based on online-data: case-study San Francisco . (2022). Regional Research, 1 (75), 31-41.